Random blog for Tams to be blogging about every random thing that pops into her head.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Vanity - every girl's characteristic

My mom and dad are indeed two very different people. Can never say who is better or who is worse, but when it comes to practicality, my mom takes first place. My dad never really goes out of his way to state every day on how he thinks his dear children look, but when we do dress up, he'll notice, he'll comment, and it's nice. My mom makes sure she reminds her dear children every day how important it is for people, in particular girls, to look pretty, and that the first thing that should ever matter, is how a person looks. Superficial? Not necessarily, more-so matter-of-fact and practical. But you know, I can't say that I don't agree. When people first look at you, they don't think, woah, check out that inner beauty. In the long run though, of course inner beauty wins out ;)

Speaking of the superficiality of society, I am currently watching To Grow with Love =P I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Something simple, sweet, and hopeful. There's no massively annoying character who's killing the series for me, but Eddie Kwan's character is bugging me... He's doing some under-handed things to boot Andy out of the picture with Claire, and I like the two together =( Selena did some pretty under-handed things to Myolie too, but karma hit her every single time that I feel so embarassed and pitiful towards her than anything, LOL! And Matthew, his character reminds me of Scott, most definitely.

Ooh, I saw the previews of the TVB 2007 Calendar, and I WANT IT!! Though they are basically selling the sex appeal, I think some sexuality is fine, as long as it's not over-doing it to the point that I want to go and slap them all upside the head. But yeah, living in this dinky city isn't helping all too much, lol

aww... you know what's so utterly romantic!? The bridge scene Kevin and Niki filmed for the "Most Beautiful Seven Days"! it looked so... beautiful! Yes, hence the title, but still, wish that could happen to me in real life, LOL

But yes, time for bed now, way too late and need to work way too early =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg where did you see the previews for the calendar?! i want to see it too =P

7:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna see the previews too!! Or better yet, I want one NOW LOL =P haha, so I better watch Matthew in To Grow With Love pretty soon just so I can get an idea of how Scott's like? =D

4:00 PM


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