The Flu or The Wisdom Teeth
hehe, want to hear something silly!? I caught the flu this weekend, so I basically blamed everything on it. And so, since I was in a blaming mood, I blamed the massive ache in my jaw as part of my flu =P Turns out it wasn't the flu, but instead my wisdom tooth was growing out and killing me like no tomorrow! lol, yes, so all the previous times I thought it was too much sugar or my clumsiness of bumping my jaw, it was the wisdom tooth kicking in -_-'
While I can still use the excuse of being sick and grouchy, I guess I'll state it again. I do NOT like it nor appreciate it when people complain to me about school. Each and every time I go online, people say they want to chat, but it is their way of saying, I need someone to complain to about my school life. I am not that person. Not that I don't care about you, I just don't care about Calculus, Chemistry, and all that stuff that is now behind me.
Now that that is finally off my chest, onto some series briefing. Watched the ending of Men in Pain, and from watching the ending, it was pretty entertaining. Started the middle of Love Guaranteed, and Ram Tseung is one funny man, really liking him with Rain Lau right now. Finishing Face to Fate (two more episodes to go), and Derek finally re-appeared!! hehe, I really love the supporting cast, I think they are the main reason I keep watching this series^^ And of course, Raymond is still uber cool, I totally understand where he's coming from. That or I just think he's cool, LOL
What else, what else... ooh, I'm getting glasses!! hehe, well, I'm near-sighted, and have been since Grade Ten, but haven't worn glasses in like five, six years! But I really needed to have a substitute from my contacts, I was wearing them past the comfort zone. And I decided that I really needed a change, for my own sake or for the sake of others ;)
hehe men in pain was uber cute :) ron and the baby = :) weee!!! btw, i wouldn't mind if you come down to the states!!! of course ron tops everything LOL
4:10 PM
hehe, did you watch nothing but the ending only of MIP? And Ram cracked me up in LG, he was sooo funny. But then again, when is he not funny, he does such a good job at it too! ugh, I have finished FTF yet but SOON!
3:27 PM
i disagree ! i always thought hilary was a bit more built than other actresses .. maybe it's just me =P ..
Face to Fate - totally LOVEEEE derek and nancy ! they look so adorable >_< !
LG - Ram and Rain was so funny =P .. his exageration and behaviour just makes you smile (:
11:21 PM
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