Random blog for Tams to be blogging about every random thing that pops into her head.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Spending Spree

Oh gosh, how utterly depressing, I don't think I've spent so much as I have these past few months. Shopping, movies, shopping, bowling, shopping, food, and it goes on -_-' I'm like keen on not spending anymore for the next month or two, possibly three =( On the little bright side, love my white jacket! lol, yes, that does cheer me up a bit, well worth my money. And I keep telling myself, as long as I keep with my current job, then everything will be fine =P Speaking of work, I work today ;)

So I've been surfing around Raymond Forest, and came across this magazine about his filming for "Tong Sum Fung Bo", where there was supposed to be an emotional scene between him and Linda Chung, and she of course needed artificial tears to force the scene out. What a way to kill the atmosphere AND bring down Raymond's performance. Expected none-the-less. I just keep motivating myself, there's still Raymond and Yoyo to look forward too. Speaking of Yoyo, if she really is with Ekin, I'd be happy for them, they're both the happy-go-lucky type^^

Up to Episode 20 in Face to Fate, and I found myself forwarding through the series. Always happens when I'm watching series, I try to watch all of it, but by the time I'm half-way through the series, I just get tired of it, and skip to parts I want to watch. Sadly, that's like not even five minutes of each episode lately -_-' Ooh, but a pretty entertaining series lately, Welcome to the House! Raymond Cho and Johnson Lee are just hilarious!! One is so practical, the other such a push-over. Missed a massive chunk of the beginning, but I'll just keep watching from here, since I generally just watch their parts =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, I love watching WTTH! It's so carefree and fun watching how the family bickers and then ends up having a big family meeting thing.

1:09 PM


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