Watching Spree
Wow, it's only been one week, and I already feel like I'm falling behind in class, how sad it that -_-' hehe, well, it's not that bad, just need to read my chapters up in Comm 363 ;)
So, started Angels of Mission this week, and it's pretty good. Watched up to Episode Ten, and so far I like Sonija's character quite a bit, determined and capable. I hope to achieve that in my career some time in the near future. Gilbert and her would have been awesome, but he got kind of freaky stalkerish O_o Shirley's character is hilarious, she's so "thick-faced" it cracks me up. Loved the part where she told that stalker to stop saying her name or she would "back-hand him"! But it was sad watching Ram Tseung's case, his life was so miserable, Shirley really didn't want to shoot him =( And wow, I must say, Charmaine's been in the business longer, but her acting was not as preferable as the other two. She always tries to put on that cold stare, but instead of looking cool, it looked like something was wrong with her eyes... love her hair though, LOL
Skimming Land of Wealth, and so far enjoying Steven and Sonija's relationship, just friends who can share anything. Also liking Moses and Sonija. Moses is always so solemn and sad, so it's nice to see Sonija cheer him up. By the way, Sonija is much more natural in this series, definite improvement. Watched the "making of" for the series, and Moses is such a goof, loved the part where Sonija was throwing those "man taus" at him, and it nailed him on the forehead, and both of them starting cracking up like crazy, hehe
Ooh, since I'm on a watching-spree rant, I watched Ricky Bobby last Friday, and I LOVE the guy who plays Will Ferrell's dad - Gary Cole! He's so cool, and of course I got made fun of once again, for liking certain type of guys. Oh, and the Friday before, my younger sister and I went and watched Material Girls! Haha, rank chick-flick, but we needed to do something to pass time by, since we locked ourselves out of our own house. Yeah, hard to believe, two Uni students, and yet, not one remembered to take the house keys when going out =P We were going to head to VHQ to rent a movie, and as I was driving, it hit me that we didn't have the house key with the car key. But we didn't even end up renting a movie, 'cause aside from not being able to get in the house to watch it, we have never rented a movie before -_-' So yeah, we just decided to go to the new theatre and catch a movie instead, lol
I think I saw Carl that night too, not sure though, it was really dark, so couldn't tell. I notice that I've been bumping into a lot of people from highschool and dance lately. Just this past month alone, I've re-encountered Vince, Bryce, Josh, Tony, Alfred, Betsy, Meghan, Kelly, Sara, Mandy, Jeff, and I could really go on forever. Makes me miss a lot of people, but at the same time, when I hear them all remark as to how much I've changed, I'm glad that my past is way back in the past, I prefer how I am now.
Was very happy at work today, no particular reason, plain happy. Well, there are reasons, but no particular reason, hehe, getting late now, nites! Ooh, one more thing - CONGRATS to Lukas for winning Rockstar Supernova!
Hehehe :) Go Shirley and Timmy!!!
Well, if you ever want to move back to Leila-T, I can always help you :) Just let me know! hehe
1:26 PM
Hahah, this definitely is your entry for watching spree hey =P
But I do love Angels of Mission!! The 3 girls were really cool. And the way Shirley always played Timmy was cute. Hmm, I forgot what happened to Ram's case though. =.=
5:14 PM
hehe, thanks Eileen, lazy Tams may need your help with PHP a long while down the road, when I get motivated to actually have a decent blog, LOL
Mandy, Ram's case is where everyone is always taking advantage of him, his boss rapes his wife, his son is taken from him by the social workers, etc. It was sad, 'cause he was such a nice guy, but cracked under the unjustified legal system >.<
9:58 AM
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