Random blog for Tams to be blogging about every random thing that pops into her head.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Horrible Dream

Didn't mention in my post this morning, I had a really, really horrible dream last night. I thought I could just brush it off, so didn't mention it, but it was the only thing that was in my head this entire day. It wasn't really a nightmare, because there was nothing wacked-out scary about it, but it woke me up and kept me up the rest of the night, and that has never happened to me before. I don't even know how to explain it, but it was just not good, I don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about it for a while.

So work this afternoon went pretty well. I only work three hours on Mondays, so it's not hard work, just a lot of files to go through. And I didn't see that particular someone, so no awkwardness occurring. It was actually nice, 'cause I just worked, didn't have to think much on anything. I think people were right when they said I have no sense of commitment.

Did I mention I've taken a liking to Justin's songs. Yeah, all you girls probably got me into it. lol, I'm kidding, I just started taking up some song-listening, since there's not much I do online now that I've dropped everything aside from blogging. hehe, quite liking "Kuet Jin Yee Sai Jo" (i.e. Battle Wealthy Boy), humorous and definitely different from all those songs out there. Actually, my current favorite song: It Ends Tonight - The All American Rejects. Fits my mood lately.

Anyway, I better go start reading on my Comm 363 chapter readings, need to pull my act together this term ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOO JUSTIN!!! lol, I love 'Kuet Jin Yee Sai Jo" and his baby Justin voice that's in it =P Hmm, I never heard of the All American Rejects song but I will do so soon. And just remember what I said about thinking good things before you go to sleep. =)

8:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao... i'm in my web design class right now.. and is doing actually nothing :) damn, after you said justin's song, it's going on in my head now ^__^

9:04 AM


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